Women’s Economic Empowerment & Financial Inclusion: Barriers, Opportunities & Exemplars

Categories : Customer and Users of Digital Payments, Financial inclusion


The goal of this work by Grid Impact has been to examine a set of barriers inhibiting women’s access and usage of financial services, determine which barriers are most resonant to different segments of women in different markets, and make recommendations about the kinds of interventions and programs that might help remove, mitigate, or address these barriers so women can have access to and use a range of financial services that will fit their needs. Ultimately, the goal is to remove barriers to women’s economic empowerment in the financial inclusion arena.

A part of Grid Impact’s work has been to help ensure the Financial Services for the Poor (FSP) Team at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) is focusing on and addressing the right barriers to achieve their WEE-FI 2030 vision and strategic goals and to understand the opportunities, challenges, available tools, and trade-offs as they set priorities and make a new investment, collaboration, and advocacy decisions across the whole team.