Crowdfunding Monitoring Switzerland 2016
Categories : Digital Money and payments, Technology and Operational Enablers
Crowdfunding is an alternative way of raising capital that uses online platforms. The funds can be used for all kinds of projects, such as consumer loans, participating in a business start-up, acquiring a property or publishing a photo book. Although crowdfunding projects cover a wide range of genres, they all have one thing in common: generally a large number of people provide an amount that is often small to enable the project to be realised. Direct, internet-based communication between funders and fundraisers is a key element of all types of crowdfunding.
The objective of this study is to illustrate and discuss the trends of the Swiss crowdfunding market with a focus on platforms that have offices in Switzerland and on crowdfunding campaigns involving projects in Switzerland. Publishing the market figures on an annual basis increases the transparency of the Swiss market – this has not yet been studied very closely, due, most likely, to its marginal size. The target readership of the Crowdfunding Monitoring report is not only experts, but also the general public: it aims to give the latter a clear overview of each funding option and each market participant.