Climate Scenario Analysis by Jurisdictions

Categories : Climate finance, Customer and Users of Digital Payments


As part of the FSB’s July 2021 Roadmap for Addressing Climate-Related Financial Risks, and as a follow-up of the NGFS “Scenarios in Action” progress report published in October 2021, this Financial Stability Board (FSB) and Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) joint report focuses on climate scenario analyses undertaken by financial authorities to assess climate-related financial risks.

This joint report by the Financial Stability Board provides a synthesis of the findings from climate scenario analysis exercises undertaken by financial authorities at the individual firm level, at the level of the different financial sectors, and at the overall financial system level. It has been informed by a survey of FSB and NGFS member authorities. The aim is to draw lessons for effective scenario analysis and sketch out the global perspective stemming from the various national/regional exercises conducted to date.